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Jeff Young

Fascinating work - thanks so much for sharing it. Have you ever looked at slippage associated with Market on Close orders?

Yuval Taylor

No, I have not. I've actually never used one. What's your experience with them?

Jeff Young

I use them, but I can't say that I have enough data to perform a systematic analysis. Supposedly, placing a MOC order benefits from the increased liquidity that results from aggregating a large number of buy and sell orders. I like them because (a) they are convenient, i.e. "set it and forget it": and (b) I get the closing price, which eliminates slippage (my trading strategies are benchmarked off of the closing price) - but my experience has been that when using them on more thinly traded stocks, I sometimes get a price that is unfavorable relative to the price just before the close; so I only use them on the most heavily traded stocks.

Jeff Young

One other question...you note above that "There isn’t an easy way to put together the cost of a trade based on market impact and the cost based on the spread...Personally, I just average the two to estimate the total cost of a buy or sell". Just to confirm - you average the two (rather than add them together)? So if half the spread is 0.20% and market impact is 0.10%, the total cost would be 0.15% (rather than 0.30%)?

Yuval Taylor

Yes. Think about it this way. I run a linear regression on my data to come up with the cost of market impact. Then I run another entirely separate linear regression to come up with the cost of a bid-ask spread. It wouldn't make sense to add them together. I have to average them, right? I suppose I could run a multiple linear regression to come up with some sort of formula that takes both into account, but with data this noisy that would be hard.

Jeff Young

Makes sense - I was thinking that half of the bid-ask spread was the minimum expected transaction cost, exclusive of market impact (e.g. if trading only one share) and that larger purchases/sales would increase the costs from this baseline. But it sounds like your estimate of half the bid-ask spread reflected orders of a variety of different sizes, so that smaller orders might incur transaction costs of less than half of the bid-ask spread, and larger ones more. Is this how you are looking at it?

Yuval Taylor

Yes, that's right. I'm looking at as much data as I can, and considering the spread costs separately from the market impact costs. The data is therefore extremely noisy . . .

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